xTests is a simple, easy-to-use, efficient unit- and component-test library, for multiple languages. Combining high discoverability and low coupling, xTests is a lightweight solution designed for use in verifying other libraries.
The current version covers C and C++ testing. It is implemented in C++ and expresses a C/C++-API. Its primary design features are:
Dependent Libraries
xTests depends on the STLSoft libraries (version 1.9.70, or later).
See the main documentation page for further details.
Installation & Building
xTests is a source-only library, which means you must compile and link it in order to use it. Makefiles are provided for all the following compilers (on UNIX and/or Win32):
(Note: compatibility has not been verified with all versions of these compilers. Some may have language incompatibilities that cause problems.)
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