ReQtest is an easy to use, web based service for issue tracking, handling bug reports and test cases during test of IT systems. Get quality built into your software faster by using ReQtest. Our focus is on the ease of the user's experience and simplicity rather than complexity.
The company behind ReQtest is called ReQtest AB and we are based in Sweden's capital, the beautiful city of Stockholm. We started building ReQtest in 2001.We focus exclusively on developing requirements and test management tools, so naturally the product and the company share their name. ReQtest is an abbreviation of “Requirements and test”.
Some of our customers here at ReQtest include Toyota, AMF Pension, Länsförsäkringar Bank, Swedish Motor Vehicle Inspection and Norsk Hydro, as well hundreds of administrative bodies and small to medium businesses in many countries.
Fridhemsgatan 49 Stockholm, 112 46 Sweden
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