Designed with a business process centric approach, Panaya Test Center is a test management solution for business-critical applications. Built around five principles: automation, collaboration, visibility, compliance and process, it does not only empower test managers. It also provides a comprehensive, yet simple way for functional experts and business users to run manual and automated testing - faster and more effectively.
TestBench is a test data management and verification solution that addresses the validation of all database effects and the creation of cut down, representative test data to reduce test times and data footprints. Data confidentiality is addressed and the unique user-managed data roll-back capability reduces environment downtime, improving testing productivity and accuracy. TestBench integrates with other testing solutions from Original Software accessible to both users and testers to ensure you retain ‘total application quality’.
Launching a website or a new web application is nerve-wracking business, but the right website load test and web app testing tools can eliminate surprises and let you launch with confidence. Load test technology lets you simulate real-world conditions and real user behavior on your website or web applications long before users have a chance to access them.
Superior load testing tools let you answer all of the burning questions about your launch:
SandStorm tests system behavior under real-time conditions and converts this data into simple-to-understand, yet informative and sophisticated, graphs and reports. Equipped with this information, businesses, which develop Web applications can more quickly and efficiently resolve problems, thereby ensuring a positive end-user experience and providing the opportunity for increased revenue. SandStorm Cloud offers performance testing from cloud. It provides a web-based management console to design, execute and analyze performance tests. It leverages cloud to provision load generation environment at runtime and execute performance tests.
Teams and individuals gain confidence in crucial infrastructure by using Assertible to continuously test and monitor APIs and websites. Assertible helps you prevent bugs from making it into production by automating manual testing, running assertions against staging environments, and integrating alerts into your current toolchain.
RootCause Transaction Instrumentation (RTI) is a monitoring tool that ensures the system performance for an application to meet end-user expectations. RTI can monitor JBoss, Tomcat and Fuse servers directly or as a fully-integrated plugin to the JBoss Operations Network. RTI is a solution providing comprehensive Application Performance Management, Monitoring, and Root-Cause Diagnostics, integrated into the JBoss Operations Network. It can :
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