Validata SAS Automated Lifecycle Management (ALM) suite is a central platform for integrated tools, built for the Banking and Finance sector, focused on managing core automated lifecycle activities from requirements through testing and configuration management allowing banks to encourage best practices by capturing and reusing project assets and process knowledge. Validata SAS is expanding the ALM suite in response to the key trends in the marketplace. Validata SAS streamlines the entire ALM lifecycle from business flow modeling, requirements visualization and project planning; configuration management and data integration; build and release management; end-to-end automated testing; defect and change management; and configurable Dashboards.
Validata Advanced Testing Suite (ATS) is an enterprise automated testing platform designed to test the complete TemenosT24TM software stack enabling you to efficiently and effectively manage your T24 projects reducing overall project cost and significantly improving quality. It is the most innovative solution for end-to-end automated testing , for core banking applications, supporting all types of testing from ISB Validation, Intelligent COB monitoring to Functional and Regression Testing with a library of pre-built reusable test assets and pre-built Test Analytics delivering superior ROI and optimizing business risk.
SmarteScript is a test automation solution, with no coding skills required. It's Learn and Interact function intuitively learns windows and objects used in an application. It creates test skeletons for each business process then develop test cases easily. Complex, data-driven scripts can be auto-generated. Respond to software changes with quick test case revisions instead of creating the test script from scratch. It provides the tools necessary to control test management and boost test productivity. Using SmarteScript, users can expect improved software quality, while improving the liklihood of meeting cost and performance goals.
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