ClicAutomate is built on a script-less test automation approach expedites automation testing. It also supports agile testing with the ability to handle ever-evolving changes in requirements, test cases and application UI. Very low learning time and high pace test creation makes ClicAutomate the most preferable test automation tool; reusability, traceability and the need of no technical knowledge makes it an exceptional.
Testsigma is a SaaS, AI-Driven test automation software for Web and Mobile applications to achieve continuous testing with Shift-left approach. Testsigma helps the web and mobile dependent businesses to reduce the cost of software quality and to continuously release their great quality software products faster.
Testsigma uses AI to build stable and reliable tests faster and speed-up the execution and maintenance of automated tests.
Testsigma is built to address some of the problems with existing automation testing tools, like Huge Initial Time and Cost, Slow Test Development, High Execution Time and Costs, High Maintenance Efforts, Less Automation Coverage and Longer Payback Time.
SoapUI is a free and open source cross-platform Functional Testing solution. With a graphical interface, and enterprise-class features, soapUI allows to create and execute automated functional, regression, compliance, and load tests. In a single test environment, soapUI provides complete test coverage and supports all the standard protocols and technologies. There are simply no limits to what you can do with your tests.
VisualCron provides advanced file/script execution, file transfer (FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SSH/HTTP), email, archiving (7z/zip/tar/gzip), XML handling, Active directory tasks, encryption (PGP), desktop macro recording, send/receive emails, system control (Hibernate,Standby,Restart,Logoff), SQL execution and monitoring. Above all, the interface of VisualCron is very easy to use. No programming skills are needed. The Tasks in each Job automate scripts and eliminate human errors. Through various Tasks you can integration different systems through file transfer and conversion.
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