The AppPerfect Test Manager is a test management system, designed for users implementing various AppPerfect Web application testing and Java development products. It has a central server with a Web-based UI for accessing various modules in the server. It consists of following main modules: Projects Manager, Requirements Manager, Test Manager, Results Manager, Bugs Manager. The AppPerfect Test Manager provides a central data store where test requirement, project/test execution result, bug gets stored. It integrates tasks such as requirement specification, test planning, test execution, result analysis and bug tracking into one application. Integrates with AppPerfect tools (Load Test, Web Test, App Test, Java Code Test and Java Unit Test).
EclEmma is a free Java code coverage tool for Eclipse, available under the Eclipse Public License. It brings code coverage analysis directly into the Eclipse workbench: Fast develop/test cycle: Launches from within the workbench like JUnit test runs can directly be analyzed for code coverage. Rich coverage analysis: Coverage results are immediately summarized and highlight;ed in the Java source code editors. Non-invasive: EclEmma does not require modifying your projects or performing any other setup. Since version 2.0 EclEmma is based on the JaCoCo code coverage library. The Eclipse integration has its focus on supporting the individual developer in an highly interactive way.
Axe is a test automation platform that greatly increases productivity and drastically reduces maintenance overheads for test automation. It uses a simple spreadsheet like interface as a means to define test scenarios and code generation techniques to rapidly generate robust, self-documented automation code. Axe is unique and proven in enabling automation in an Agile environment.
NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. Initially ported from JUnit, this is an xUnit based unit testing tool for Microsoft .NET. It is written entirely in C# and has been completely redesigned to take advantage of many .NET language features, for example custom attributes and other reflection related capabilities. NUnit brings xUnit to all .NET languages.
Cobertura is a free Java code coverage reporting tool, that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests. It can be used to identify which parts of your Java program are lacking test coverage. It is based on jcoverage. Cobertura should work on any platform with with Java 5 or newer. The Cobertura download packages include all the dependencies required (ASM, log4j, etc.)
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