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Prahlad Boyina

Expertise Summary

Experience Introduction: 

This is Prahlad working in At&T Bothell as  Selenium Automation Lead

Uzair Farooqi - ISTQB Certified Tester

Expertise Summary

Experience Introduction: 

An ISTQB Certified Tester with almost 2 years experience with focus on Software Quality Assurance and Web automation testing.

Currently working as a regression + Front End UI tester for a company that acts as a computational knowledge engine for the financial industry.

I am confidently capable of preparing test scenarios, test cases and incident reports.

Code Driven Testing


A growing trend in software development is the use of xUnit testing frameworks JUnitNUnit, PhpUnit, etc. they allow unit tests executions to test specific code scenarios and sections. It can also help on testing code API with few argument options.
Test cases describe test scenarios that need to be verify to make sure the program runs as expected and according to its requirements. Code Drive Testing, and code driven test automation is a key feature of Agile software development practice. 
Code drive testing also know as Test Driven Development (TDD).

Sagar Lakhani

Freelancer sagar lakhani

Expertise Summary

Experience Introduction: 

I have 2 year of experience in manual testing. work on Web Application, Android Application, Iphone Application. i am beginner in Automation tester. I have knowledge of selenium IDE and selenium web driver.


Code Driven Testing - Agile favorite



Table Summary
Designed for the Highest Levels of Quality and Safety
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


SCADE Suite Tool Scope Test Management, Test Automation Framework
Application Rights Commercial, Demo
Since 1999
Company Esterel Technologies
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
StoryTestIQ (STIQ) is a test framework used to create Automated Acceptance Tests or Story Tests.
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


STIQ Tool Scope Test Automation Framework, Testing Tool
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2009
Company Sourceforge
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
The OpenGXE produces complete applications from declarative UML domain models.
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


OpenGXE Tool Scope Test Automation Framework, Testing Utility, Simulator
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2009
Company Google Code Projects
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
xUnit style c++ unit testing framework
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Google Test Tool Scope Test Automation Framework, Testing Tool
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2011
Company Google Code Projects
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

Validata ATS


Table Summary
Optimise Business Risk Manage Test Data, Enable Continues Testing with a unique Model-Based Test Automation approach
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Validata ATS
ATS Tool Scope Project Management, Quality Management, Requirements Management, Test Management, Test Automation Framework, Testing Tool, Test Data Management
Application Rights Commercial, Demo, Trial
Since 2004
Company Validata Group
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

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