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How to Make the Most of Your Test Management Tools?

By now, we have read numerous discussions about test management to conclude that it has a wider scope in software testing. Organizations leverage some testing efforts to make the most of their test management system. Test management is not just a single activity but it contains a series of activities. Testing teams face many challenges to keep up with the rapidly growing digital transformations. They are required to test multiple IoT devices and across different platforms (browsers, devices, and apps). Although most of the organizations are using automation tests and manual testing to meet these challenges, there is more to software testing than just that. Agile and DevOps are in dire need of test management tools that can ensure faster delivery without compromising on software quality.

Supporting Testing Processes by All Means 

Software testing experts come up with various ideas to make the most of the test management tools, to maximum software delivery without quality compromise. So, the test management process can be divided into two major categories; planning and execution phases. It supports all the software testing processes and makes testing more interesting and in-depth, leaving no room for defects or issues in the application. 

Insights into Various Test Cases and Their Results 

QA experts use a test management tool to include detail reports related to the testing process. For instance, when a test case fails, it is helpful if you know at which step the test failed instead of simply knowing that the test case failed. Whatever changes made during testing, the test tool updates about these changes to the relative teams. It also provides an insight into the test cases which states the follow-up and quick action required in return.

Additional Features of a Test Case Management Tool

Testers can also save the results of a test as a session and then compare the results. It helps them in comparing how the test case was different after changes were applied to the test cases and if their results make any difference or improve the software quality. The test case management tools also include additional features like documenting test strategy, creation of defects, planning test execution, etc. There are certain test management tools where testers can upload a video with API support.

Supporting the Agile Testers

You can also have a look at the top ten test management tools that support agile methodology are very much in demand these days. Agile and DevOps require more fragile, effective and efficient solutions to make their way forward and maintain positive brand image. Thus, it is important that the tool you use, should be able to meet all requirements of the agile environment. It should also support the following:

  • Estimation 
  • Creating stories 
  • Spring backlog planning 
  • Velocity charts and other reports, etc. 


With all the famous test management tools available in the market, each organization chooses to pick one that suits their budget, requirements, customer support, agility, integrations, etc. However, testing teams still need to fully utilize these features to make their testing efforts successful. 


About The Author: 

Ray Parker is a senior marketing consultant with a knack for writing about the latest news in tech, quality assurance, software development, and testing. With a decade of experience working in the tech industry, Ray now dabbles out of his New York office.


Testing tool manufacturers world-wide list
10Levels ABID CONSULTING AccelQ Accord Software ActiMind AdaCore
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BStriker Intern .. CA Technologies Canonical Canoo Engineeri .. Catch Software CelestialTeapot
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Equafy Esterel Technol .. eXept Software .. Experitest Finaris Froglogic
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Hiptest Hitex IBM Rational imbus Shanghai Impetus Inflectra
informUp InTENSO - IT Ex .. Ipswitch Jamo Solutions Janova JAR Technologie ..
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JS Foundation Jspresso Kanoah KMS Technology Kualitee LDRA Limited
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Universal Test .. Usetrace Ltd Utrecht Univers .. Validata Group Vanamco AG Vector Software
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