Orcanos platform helps companies deliver their products on time and budget. Using QPack Medical Compliance provides medical device manufacturers easily pass submission process (FDA, CE…) successfully . Orcanos provides QPack and QPack Medical™ integrated software solutions for ALM, FMEA Risk Management, Document Control, and Service Center for customer service, specializes in the medical device industry. Orcanos has 10 years of proven experience in ALM for high-tech industry, and medical device
Orcanos unique solution for medical device assists medical device manufacturers in building their operational excellence and satisfies acceptable standards such as IEC62304 and ISO 14971. While moving 80% of the manual paperwork into a process automation tool, Orcanos ensures readiness for CE, FDA submission and audits.
Orcanos solutions are already implemented in medical device companies, such as Mazor Robotics, Argo Medical, Haldor, EBS Tech, Givenimaging (Covidien), Flashnetoworks, Lumenis and more.
Orcanos R&D Center in Israel and India is creating and enhancing QPack Software system to provide one integrated solution for Requirements Management, Test Management, Test Automation, Defect tracking, FMEA Risk Management, Document Control and Service Center.
Founded early 2004, Orcanos has helped many companies implement the right methodologies to improve production efficiency and reduce risk.
Orcanos specializes in these Industries:
• High-tech and electronics
• Medical Devices
• Semiconductors
• Telecommunication
Orcanos Headquarters
Biet-Oved 8 st.
Tel-Aviv, 67211
Tel: +972-3-537-2561
Fax: +972-1533-537-2485
Assaro systems
Tel: +44 (0)1279 718539
Email: info@asarosystems.com
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