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Siemens PLM Software


Siemens PLM Software

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Siemens PLM Software


Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Digital Factory Division, is a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) and manufacturing operations management (MOM) software, systems and services with over 15 million licensed seats and more than 140,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens PLM Software works collaboratively with its customers to provide industry software solutions that help companies everywhere achieve a sustainable competitive advantage by making real the innovations that matter.

Company Size: 
1001-UP employees
Privately Held

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PLM, product development, CAD, NX, Teamcenter, Tecnomatix, Solid Edge, LMS, Requirements Management, Test Management and Quality Assurance, Application Lifecycle Management, Change Management, Task Management, Project Planning, Traceability, Collaboration & Communication, Configuration Management, Subversion services provider

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