Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and it utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach. Its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java, and users can create new higher-level keywords from existing ones using the same syntax that is used for creating test cases.
Robot Framework project is hosted on GitHub where you can find further documentation, source code, and issue tracker. Downloads are hosted at PyPI. The framework has a rich ecosystem around it consisting of various generic test libraries and tools that are developed as separate projects.
NBehave framework is based on the behavioral domain specific language (DSL) of Behavior Driven Design (BDD). The primary goal of NBehave is a framework for defining and executing application requirement goals. These characterizations are modeled after the Behavioral Driven Design (BDD) terms Story, Scenario, Given, When, Then. Relying on a syntax that is lightweight and targeted at product owners (a few "quotes" mostly), the code becomes an executable and self-describing requirements document. The definitions within the actual unit test of the application along with the nature of the architecture and the domain model makes these concepts a sound framework.
JBehave is a framework for Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD). BDD is an evolution of test-driven development (TDD) and acceptance-test driven design, and is intended to make these practices more accessible and intuitive to newcomers and experts alike. It shifts the vocabulary from being test-based to behaviour-based, and positions itself as a design philosophy.
PHPUnit is a unit testing software framework for the programming language PHP. Created by Sebastian Bergmann, PHPUnit is one of the xUnit family of frameworks that originated with SUnit. It uses assertions to verify that behavior of the unit of code under test behaves as expected. PHPUnit is the de-facto standard for unit testing in PHP projects. It provides both a framework to write the tests as well as the functionality to run the tests and analyze their results. It supports the development of object-oriented PHP applications using the concepts and methods of Agile Programming, Extreme Programming, Test-Driven Development, and Design-by-Contract Development.
Codeception PHP Testing Framework is designed to work just out of the box. This means its installation requires minimal steps and no external dependencies preinstalled (except PHP, of course). Only one configuration step should be taken and you are ready to test your web application from an eye of actual user.
UISpec is a Behavior Driven Development framework for the iPhone that provides a full automated testing solution that drives the actual iPhone UI. It is modeled after the very popular RSpec for Ruby. To make finding specific views in the iPhone UI easy, UISpec includes a very powerful view traversal DSL called UIQuery. Not only can you easily traverse the view heirarchy, you can also interact with the views you find.
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