Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and it utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach. Its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java, and users can create new higher-level keywords from existing ones using the same syntax that is used for creating test cases.
Robot Framework project is hosted on GitHub where you can find further documentation, source code, and issue tracker. Downloads are hosted at PyPI. The framework has a rich ecosystem around it consisting of various generic test libraries and tools that are developed as separate projects.
IQ Bot is cognitive automation that learns as it processes by observing people at work. With an unwavering focus to improve, it develops your subject matter experts, increasing the speed and accuracy of your processes at scale.
The endpoint is often easy to define. But where you begin can have a profound impact on how quickly and efficiently you get there. IQ Bot sets up and enriches your starting points to make your RPA even more effective. IQ Bots keep learning – with or without supervision – to handle unstructured information that feeds your automated processes.
Ranorex is a Windows GUI test automation framework which provides seamless testing of a wide range of desktop, web and mobile applications. As every robust test automation project requires reliable user interface object recognition, Ranorex focuses on providing the best possible recognition for all types of desktop, web and mobile software applications. Ranorex’s award winning object recognition relies on smart RanoreXPath technology – RanoreXPath reduces effort in maintaining tests and at the same time simplifies the testing of dynamically built user interfaces.
SilkCentralTM Test Manager is an open test management solution which unifies all test assets into one easy-to-use planning, tracking, reporting and execution hub. It is a powerful, open software test management solution for both agile and traditional development projects. It provides an integrated framework for improving productivity, traceability and visibility for all types of software testing. Its openness, flexibility and traceability make it a solution for agile or traditional delivery approaches looking to implement a continuous approach to software quality.
Axe is a test automation platform that greatly increases productivity and drastically reduces maintenance overheads for test automation. It uses a simple spreadsheet like interface as a means to define test scenarios and code generation techniques to rapidly generate robust, self-documented automation code. Axe is unique and proven in enabling automation in an Agile environment.
DARTENIUM is a robust off-the-shelf automation framework based on the open source testing tool, Selenium, for Agile testing of web-based applications. It provides complete control over the automation process while freeing you from the tedious, complex tasks involved in manual testing.
DARTENIUM enables testing across multi-OS and browser combinations. It also has a robust execution engine in the form of the 'Scheduler' that allows multiple test instances on the same machine as well as parallel execution on multiple machines.
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