GeneXus is a Uruguayan company that, based on in-house research, develops state-of-the-art proprietary technology in the fields of database design and maintenance, application development and maintenance, and, in particular, automatic knowledge management. Founded in 1988, the company is headquartered in Montevideo, has offices in the United States, Mexico and Brazil, and is present in more than 35 countries through its network of distributors.
GeneXus™ is the main product developed by GeneXus company. It's the first intelligent tool for automatically creating, developing and maintaining mission-critical, multi-platform applications that can be easily adapted to changes in the business and to the new possibilities opened by the evolution of technology.
Telephone: +598 2601-2082
Fax: +598 2601-2082 int. 105
Av. Italia 6201. Parque Tecnológico del LATU,
Edificio Los Pinos - Planta Alta.
Montevideo, CP 11500
Email: info@genexus.com
Web: www.genexus.com
Telephone: +(312) 836-9152
Fax: +(312) 836-9153
1143 W Rundell PL, Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60607
Email: info@genexususa.com
Web: www.genexususa.com
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