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LDRA Limited


LDRA Limited

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LDRA Limited


For more than 40 years, LDRA has developed and driven the market for software that automates code analysis and software testing for safety-, mission-, security- and business-critical markets. Working with clients to achieve early error identification and full compliance with industry standards, LDRA traces requirements through static and dynamic analysis to unit testing and verification for a wide variety of hardware and software platforms. Boasting a worldwide presence, LDRA is headquartered in the UK with subsidiaries in the United States, India and an extensive distributor network

1 975
Company Size: 
51-200 employees
Privately Held

Contact Representatives


Portside Monks Ferry, Wirral CH41 5LH United Kingdom



Software Testing and Analysis, Requirements Traceability, Unit Testing, Code Coverage, MISRA, DO-178B, CERT C, CWE, JSF++ AV, Coding Standards Checking, DO-178C, Certification Services, ISO 26262, IEC 62304, IEC 61508, EN 50128, IEC 60880, JSF++AV, Netrino C

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