The Grinder is a load testing framework that makes it easy to run a distributed test using many load injector machines. Test scripts are written in Jython, and can call out to arbitrary Java code, providing support for testing a large range of network protocols. The Grinder comes with a mature plug-in for testing HTTP services, HTTP scripts can be recorded easily from a browser session.
HTTP Plug-in
The Grinder Plug-ins
Downloading The Grinder using Maven
The Grinder is lightweight
Compared to setting up LoadRunner or some other full featured tools, The Grinder is trivial to install and get running.
The Grinder is a programmer's load tester
Too often, programmers defer load testing to some other group (e.g., QA) and don't test their own components for scalability. The Grinder is designed for people who understand the code that they're hitting - it's not just a "black box" with a set of associated response times.
Since tests can be coded - and not simply scripted, programmers get to test interior tiers of their application and not just response time via the user interface.
The Grinder is free
I'm a consulting professional and I have to come up with solutions to deadlocks and slow downs. Sometimes I only have hours to recreate a problem and then attempt to resolve it. I can't count on my client having a given load testing tool and many (most?) development teams don't have any such tool (they defer this type of testing to QA as mentioned above). I can bring The Grinder in and set it up and apply load quite quickly.
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