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JavaScript Automation Tools

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JavaScript Automation Tools

I am trying to create a list of all testing tools and frameworks which are coded with JavaScript.

Can you help, and update this list (by comment) with any Testing Tools or Testing Framework which can be coded with JavaScript ?

Help is needed

  1. Blue Ridge – JavaScript Testing Framework
  2. FireUnit – JavaScript Unit Testing Extension
  3. JSLint – The JavaScript Code Quality Tool
  4. QUnit – JavaScript Test Suite
  5. JSLitmus
  6. Selenium – JavaScript Web Application
  7. Watir
  8. Sahi


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SahiPro and Selenium
  • Read more about SahiPro at [testing-tool/sahiproSahi Pro, Web Automation Framework
  • Read more about Selenium at [testing-tool/seleniumSelenium Automation Framework
  • QUnit, is good for jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile testing
  • Jasmine is a BDD framework that support mocks(spies)
  • Protractor, is a testing framework focus on testing AngularJS, but also can be used for any other web technology. can be used with Selenium
  • PhantomJS, Headless Webkit (QT-based) with JavaScript API. can act as a browser
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More Java Script Testing assentials
  • PhantomJS is a headless WebKit that is scriptable with JavaScript. It’s used mainly for unit level, front end testing and is easy to run from a command line so it integrates nicely with CI systems. main use of PhantomJs is to run a battery of unit test against code changes, so that as developers are committing new code, they quickly gain a high degree of confidence that the code they’re checking doesn’t have any effect on the current code base.
  • Jasmine is a behavior-driven JavaScript framework for testing JavaScript code. This is the “go to” unit testing framework for many developers, including Derick Bailey from long term stability, support and simplicity tool.
  • Protractor is an automated testing framework for testing AngularJs applications in the browser.good for unit testing and end-to-end testing. Protractor is a layer that sits on top of Selenium; it runs Selenium in the background, and as a result you get all sorts of really cool hooks into your Angular application. This enables you to start grabbing your data bindings and using some of the Angular goodness like ng-repeats, etc.
  • Nightwatch.js describes itself as an easy-to-use Node.js-based end-to-end (E2E) testing solution for browser-based apps and websites. It uses the Selenium WebDriver API to perform commands and assertions on DOM elements for front end testing.
  • CasperJS an open-source navigation scripting and testing utility written in JavaScript for the PhantomJS WebKit headless browser and SlimerJS (Gecko).
  • Nemo.js is an open-source, Node.js automation framework that was developed by PayPal. Nemo.js provides a simple way to add Selenium automation to your Node.js web projects. It also provides plugin architecture to incorporate custom features into your tests.
  • Buster.JS is a browser JavaScript testing toolkit for node and browsers. You can use it to do browser testing for browser-based automation. It can also be used for QUnit-style HTML page testing as well as testing in headless browsers. Buster.JS is currently still in beta mode.
  • DalekJs is another open-source UI Test Automation tool that allows you to do cross browser testing with JavaScript. DalekJS is currently a developer preview. 

Read the full article here by Joe Colantonio

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