VisualCron provides advanced file/script execution, file transfer (FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SSH/HTTP), email, archiving (7z/zip/tar/gzip), XML handling, Active directory tasks, encryption (PGP), desktop macro recording, send/receive emails, system control (Hibernate,Standby,Restart,Logoff), SQL execution and monitoring. Above all, the interface of VisualCron is very easy to use. No programming skills are needed. The Tasks in each Job automate scripts and eliminate human errors. Through various Tasks you can integration different systems through file transfer and conversion.
VisualCron combines many features into one product. Through scheduling you can set your Jobs to run on a specific time or event. The Tasks in each Job automate scripts and eliminate human errors. Through various Tasks you can integrate different systems through file transfer and conversion.
There is no single way VisualCron is used. Yes, a lot of our users automate execution of batch files and file transfers but solutions are endless and limitless.
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