WatiN (pronounced as What-in), WatiN has grown into an easy to use, feature rich and stable framework. WatiN stands for Web Application Testing In .NET, and it's a framework that enables web application testing through Internet Explorer. The way that WatiN works is very "easy", knowing that there's a lot of work behind a framework like this. WatiN lets you open Internet Explorer instances, and through interop, interact with the elements in a form. With WatiN, you can get and set values from the elements in a form, and you can fire events of any of the elements in the document too. WatiN is developed in C# and aims to bring you an easy way to automate your tests with Internet Explorer and FireFox using .Net. Recording capabilities are provided with the WatiN Test Recorder.
Main Features
The installation of WatiN is easy and well documented. First download the latest release from sourceforge. The archive contains the binaries (WatiN.Core.dll) the source, some examples and the JSSh Plugin for FireFox. A ReadMe and a compiled help file are also inside the archive. Then you have to decide which IDE (for example the free Microsoft Visual Studio Express Edition) you want to use, because WatiN is just a library which can be used in every .Net language and in every .Net compatible IDE. I will use MSVS 2008 EE in this example.
After creating a new console application you have to link the WatiN.Core.dll to your project:
The next important thing is to add the line "[STAThread]" to your class (read more why this is important). Now you can begin to write your tests with WatiN.
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