Sahi is a free, open source tool for automation of web application testing. Sahi is very tester friendly and allows easy automation of even complex web 2.0 applications with lots of AJAX content. With an excellent recorder, smart object identification, simple scripting, automatic waits and inbuilt reports, Sahi gives the tester a powerful yet simple tool to accomplish testing across various browser and OS combinations. Sahi works on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera etc. on Windows, Mac and Linux. (Sahi works on any browser which supports a proxy and executes Javascript. This means it supports all browsers since IE6.)
Sahi Open Source, specifications
External proxy support with password authentication has been added since V2 2009-01-21 build 401 and Windows authentication are available now Framesets/pages with frames/iframes loading pages from multiple domains is NOW supported. Sahi can now handle pages which have other pages from different domains embedded in them using iframes or frames. If you have a page from having an iframe with a page from, Sahi will prefix the domain correctly to the recorded step.
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