QuerySurge is data testing software built specifically to automate the testing of Big Data and Data Warehouses. QuerySurge ensures that the data extracted from source files/databases remains intact in the target data store by analyzing and pinpointing any differences in data quickly.
QuerySurge makes it easy for both novice and experienced team members to validate their organization's data quickly through Query Wizards while still allowing power users the flexibility they need to get their job done. QuerySurge fully automates your data testing & validation, whether your team is currently using the Sampling method (export tests results to Excel & compare by eye) or Minus Querymethod. QuerySurge provides more great functionality like Deep-Dive reporting, a Data Health dashboard, Test Management tool integration, DevOps compatibility and the ability to connect to any data store.
Main Features
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Supported Environments
QuerySurge supports databases, data marts, data warehouses and flat files as either sources or targets. the following database are supported by QuerySurge: Oracle, Teradata, Microsoft, IBM, Sybase, Netezza, Aster Data, Hadoop, Exadata, GreenPlum, In-Memory DB, Flat files (delimited and fixed-width) and any other JDBC-compliant database or data source
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