FlowLevel is an automation application that provides a flexible infrastructure for designing, deploying, displaying results and analyzing all types of processes. FlowLevel is also an advanced automated testing tool that enables performing an assortment of tests including functionality and performance tests on both static and dynamic recourses. With FlowLevel, defining the flow, rules, and elements of work is performed dynamically and the process follows them automatically. Once the flows and rules are captured, they can be changed, either to optimize the process or adapt to new conditions.
FlowLevel is also an advanced automated testing tool that enables performing an assortment of tests including functionality and performance tests on both static and dynamic recourses. Resources include; files, servlets, perl scripts, java objects, databases and queries, TP servers, VoIP, Video streaming and more. It can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, network or object, to test their stability and endurance, or to analyze overall performance under different load types. FlowLevel offers white/black box testing abilities and creates client & server side operation.
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