Price Information
In any case of miss-information between QATestingTools and the manufacturer call-center or website, the manufacturer price is the one you should take in consideration,the QATestingTools is NOT responsible for any miss-understanding or miss-information since we are NOT always informed on prices programs updates. In all cases please get more details from manufacturer.
KickOff Pricing:
July 2014 : (Hosted) Enterprise Tester : Concurrent Users: 5 : $500 / month
July 2014 : (Hosted) ET w/One Plugin : Concurrent Users: 5 : Choose from Duette or Rover : $600 / month
July 2014 : (Hosted) ET w/Two Plugins : Concurrent Users: 5 : Comes with Duette and Rover : $700 / month
July 2014 : (Downloaded) Enterprise Tester : Concurrent Users: 5 :$1,200
July 2014 : (Downloaded) ET w/One Plugin : Concurrent Users: 5 : Choose from Duette or Rover : $1,800
July 2014 : (Downloaded) ET w/Two Plugins : Concurrent Users: 5 : Comes with Duette and Rover : $2,400