You can use Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 or higher or Visual Studio Premium to create automated tests of the user interface (UI) known as coded UI tests. These tests provide functional testing of the user interface and validation of user interface controls. Automated UI tests enable you to test that the user interface is functioning correctly after code changes. They are quicker to run than manual tests. Therefore, you can run them more frequently.
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Create a Solution
Recording a Scenario
The recorded steps will be displayed by pressing Alt + S or by clicking on the icon available beside the record button.
To Assert a Scenario
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Use the following guidelines to create a flexible coded UI test.
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Architecture and modeling
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Another advantage it may be integrated with SpecFlow or another BDD/ATDD tool for tessing.
so VSTS is good for QA methods (functional testing with test management) and for R&D purposes, unit testing and great IDE to work with
see how Data Driven Testing is done with VSTS at
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integrated with SpecFlow or another BDD/ATDD
Another advantage it may be integrated with SpecFlow or another BDD/ATDD tool for tessing.
Visual Studio 2010 --> VSTS
so VSTS is good for QA methods (functional testing with test management) and for R&D purposes, unit testing and great IDE to work with
Data Driven Testing is available also
see how Data Driven Testing is done with VSTS at