As a part of the software development team, I believe that there is no bug-free software. Bug management can be annoying and frustrating but it is a crucial part of the software development process. This is the main reason why QA teams have to put in all efforts to manage them effectively. In this process, QA teams use effective bug management tools to manage bugs and feature requests. Agile developers are in need of more agile strategies for efficient bug management, so let’s have a look at a few effective strategies for those teams:
Cost of Defects/Bugs
From a smaller perspective, bugs seem as little errors that slow down the software development process and users give a negative review about the product. However, when we zoom out the picture, the real cost of defects become more obvious. There are various companies that conduct surveys about the negative impact that defects can have on the reputation of companies. It is still unknown as to why companies still ignore some of the bugs. Finding out the cost of bugs can be an effective way to manage bugs it a better way. They can also choose from a wide range of bug management tools that are available for use, and assist teams to achieve their aims.
Agile Ways to Manage Bugs
In the traditional waterfall approach, the software development project is managed in a rigid order and does not offer any flexibility. On the contrary, agile development is more about rolling apps with frequent iterations to achieve customer satisfaction. Teams no longer use outdated methods to manage bugs and feature requests into the agile methodology. Thus, it is important to start with an agile strategy from the beginning.
Make Bugs More Visible
A good QA testing team is in the habit of maintaining a proper database of bugs. It is possible to track issues and bugs with the help of excel sheets, but the bug tracking systems and bug tracking tools have better capabilities. Many agile teams have moved to use bug management tools with support for real-time collaboration with their teams and shared backlog.
A good bug management tool ensures that the bugs are identified and resolved, and they also allow companies to record these bugs. This allows better communication between teams, help users with reporting bugs, and make feature requests directly on their apps. It also makes it easier to prioritize bugs and issue issues to various team members.
Prioritizing Bugs
It is extremely important for agile teams to access the backlog of reported bugs. Otherwise, they can grow organically and become unmanageable. This is why teams should prioritize bugs and ensure that they do it the right way. Here, the bug management tools can be an effective solution for agile teams that are moving towards the new shift.
The above-mentioned factors can be helpful for QA teams to make the most of their testing and bug management efforts., more technical information on Software Testing Tools and Testing Resources
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