SOA - Service Oriented Architecture Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a network design that uses Uniform Resource Locators (URL) to define and locate services provided businesses. As it appears, many proclaim it is the simplest of network service access methods. The concept simply use the current web structure with some sophistication in "browser accessing" the requested URL. SOA architect can take on many forms in design, depending on the designer architecture methods, but remain consistent in using URL as its building block. URL root is founded in the W3C naming conventions, which is why its concept is measured in simplicity. It uses the World Wide Web concept and format to call services by using the naming convention. One of the major advantages that this concept has over others is the ability to allow it architecture design to be revised without affecting the structure of the remaining architecture. The design concept, when implemented facilitates simplicity when connecting to suppliers, customer and others. Iterations are much simpler. SOA applications reduce the cost and difficulty that can attribute to business process designs by the use of the concept loose coupling, and reusable services, if designed correctly. With the assistance of Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI), documents are published in XML based registry for public access. SOA uses a communication language, of which Representational State Transfer (REST) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) are the most Predominate methods. Comparisons of the two has created a long standing battle as to which is more appropriate for use. Soap is based on designs that are tightly coupled, while REST is based on loose coupling. See full article at:
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