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Which is the best automation tool for a desktop application in .NET?

Dear all,

We are developing an ERP desktop application in .NET. We are using Visual Studio Team Services and Microsoft Test Manager. The application becomes to be big and we need any automation tool to make regression test.
In the market i saw several tools for this porpuse, and i took attention on these ones:

Shay Ginsbourg

Freelancer, Shay Ginsbourg

Expertise Summary

Experience Introduction: 

End to end mobile, desktop, or cloud web Performance & Load Testing managed service from early scalability measurements and performance requirements review to test planning & preparation, cycle management, results reporting, bottleneck identification, and analysis. Executed with Apache Jmeter and the Web Performance System (WPS).



Table Summary
Testsuite to validate the reliability, robustness, stability of Linux.
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


LTP Tool Scope Test Automation Framework, Testing Tool
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2003
Company GitHub project, Sourceforge
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
Load, Stress and Performance Testing for Web Applications
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


WAPT Tool Scope Testing Tool
Application Rights Commercial, Trial
Since 2010
Company SoftLogica
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

Silk Central


Table Summary
Manage test assets and activities through a single central hub
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Silk Central
Tool Scope Test Management
Application Rights Commercial, Demo, Free Use, Trial
Since 2009
Company Micro Focus Software, Inc.
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

Test Automation Framework


Test automation framework is a set of assumptions, concepts and tools that provide support for automated software testing. The main advantage of such a framework is its low cost for maintenance. If there is a change in any test case, only then, the test case file needs to be updated while the Driver Script and Startup script remains the same. There's no need to update the scripts in case of any changes to the application. Choosing right framework/scripting technique helps in maintaining the costs.



Table Summary
Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Celerity Tool Scope Testing Tool, Tool Extension
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2008
Company GitHub project
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
Coded UI Test enhanced Framework
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


CUITe (Coded UI Test enhanced) Framework Tool Scope Test Automation Framework
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2011
Company CodePlex project
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
Static Analysis Tool - Automated static analysis designed for zero-tolerance defect environments
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


CodeSonar Tool Scope Testing Tool
Application Rights Commercial, Demo, Trial
Since 2007
Company GrammaTech
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

Testing Automation Framework and Testing Tool


Tools are specifically designed to target some particular test environment. Such as: Windows automation tool, web automation tool etc. It serves as driving agent for an automation process. However, automation framework is not a tool to perform some specific task, but is an infrastructure that provides the solution where different tools can plug itself and do their job in an unified manner. Hence providing a common platform to the automation engineer doing their job. There are various types of frameworks.

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