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Table Summary
Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Celerity Tool Scope Testing Tool, Tool Extension
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2008
Company GitHub project
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
Functional Test of IP Server Applications
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


PureTest Tool Scope Test Automation Framework, Testing Tool, Emulator, Simulator
Application Rights Commercial, Free Use
Since 1998
Company PureLoad
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

Testing Terms: A



A/B testing - sometimes called split testing, is comparing two versions of a web page to see which one performs better. You compare two web pages by showing the two variants (let's call them A and B) to similar visitors at the same time. The one that gives a better conversion rate, wins!

New Opportunities with Cloud Testing

Cloud computing has taken the world by storm, and businesses are realizing the many advantages that this technology can bring to their workflows. In nearly every industry, organizations are making headway with cloud adoption, and software development teams are certainly becoming part of this trend as well. For agile software testing methodologies, in particular, the cloud has a lot to offer groups in terms of new ways to operate and conduct testing effectively. There are numerous opportunities that have come from the onset of cloud testing.



Table Summary
XMLUnit provides assertions that help testing code that produces XML.
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


XML Unit Tool Scope Test Automation Framework
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2001
Company GitHub project, Sourceforge
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
Agitator for Interactive Exploratory Testing
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Agitator for Interactive Exploratory Testing Tool Scope Testing Tool
Application Rights Commercial, Free Use, Trial, User license
Since 2008
Company Agitar
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

QA Automation: people as the key asset?

One of the main stopping points when it comes to UI testing automation is the problem of trained staff. If you are starting to automate your processes, some skilled people are needed for a kickoff. Since the plank is pretty high because of numerous UI / CSS regression testing challenges, there are just a few popular options:

Web services approach


Web services can implement a service-oriented architecture. Web services make functional building-blocks accessible over standard Internet protocols independent of platforms and programming languages. These services can represent either new applications or just wrappers around existing legacy systems to make them network-enabled. Each SOA building block can play one or both of two roles

Need comparison between DWH testing tools

Hello All,

I was searching for some test automation tools for DWH testing.
Can someone please list down difference between QuerySurge, iCEDQ, Datagaps ETL Validator?
Also how can we decide which tool will be suitable for my needs? (Because most of these 3 supports what validations we manually do).

Need your thoughts on this.



Table Summary
Performance Test of IP Server Applications
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


PureLoad Tool Scope Test Automation Framework, Testing Tool, Simulator
Application Rights Commercial, Demo, Free Use, Static license
Since 1998
Company PureLoad
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

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