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Advantages and disadvantages


advantages ? Domain-specific languages allow solutions to be expressed in the idiom and at the level of abstraction of the problem domain. Consequently, domain experts themselves can understand, validate, modify, and often even develop domain-specific language programs. ? Self-documenting code. 



Table Summary
Powerful, Robust, Proven Automated Functional Testing Tool
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


SmarteScript Tool Scope Testing Tool
Application Rights Commercial, Demo, Trial
Since 2007
Company SmarteSoft
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

Performance Monitoring and System Memory Usage during testing

Here I am trying to monitor system usage and the performance with different browsers which we use in selenium (Firefox,Chrome,Headless Browser).Just to know how it works.Generally we never use this method.

Performance factors :

Important influence factors to the performance of any Java program can be separated into two main parts:

1.Memory Consumption of your program

2.Total runtime of your program

Memory in Java :

Java manages the memory for use. New objects created and placed in the heap. Once your application have no reference anymore to an object the Java garbage collector is allowed to delete this object and remove the memory so that your application can use this memory again.

Steps to standardizing your QA model

Quality assurance roles have evolved alongside development practices to ensure that they are remaining competitive in the current landscape. Agile testing methodologies have taken over as a means to streamline operations and bake in quality from the very onset of a project. However, there are a number of agile subsets that can be adopted, and not all of them will be viable for every organization. Each team will approach QA in a way that makes sense for their business, their needs and their resources.

Are Runscope Scheduled Tests sequential or Parallel?

Here is my situation . We are testing our API with runscope . the main steps are follows .

  • Create an Order by User
  • Driver Take the Order
  • User Cancel the order taken by driver

This process takes around 3 minutes to complete , i want to run a scheduled job for this test every 1 minute . 

If scheduled jobs run parallel my tests will start and finish like this .

test 1 | start at minute 0 | finish at minute 3

test 2 | start at minute 1 | finish at minute 4

test 3 | start at minute 2 | finish at minute 5

test 4 | start at minute 3 | finish at minute 6

so there will be no problem . 

Silk Performer


Table Summary
The enterprise-class performance testing solution
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Silk Performer
 Silk Performer Tool Scope Testing Tool
Application Rights Commercial, Trial
Since 1994
Company Micro Focus Software, Inc.
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
Modern PHP testing for everyone.
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Codeception Tool Scope Test Automation Framework
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2012
Company GitHub project
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
XMLUnit provides assertions that help testing code that produces XML.
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


XML Unit Tool Scope Test Automation Framework
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2001
Company GitHub project, Sourceforge
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
RTH (Requirements and Testing Hub) is a test management tool with requirements-management and bug-tracking capabilities.
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


RTH Tool Scope Test Management
Application Rights Demo, Free Use, Opensource
Since 2006
Company Sourceforge
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

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