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Helix ALM


Table Summary
Insanely flexible ALM for all phases of product development.
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Helix ALM
TestTrack Tool Scope Issue Tracking System, Management Tool, Agile Management, ALM, Quality Management, Requirements Management, Test Case Designer, Test Management, Reporting Tool, Defect Reporting tool
Application Rights Commercial, Demo, Floating license, Subscription, Trial
Since 2012
Company Seapine Software
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



Table Summary
xUnit style c++ unit testing framework
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Google Test Tool Scope Test Automation Framework, Testing Tool
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2011
Company Google Code Projects
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

Prahlad Boyina

Expertise Summary

Experience Introduction: 

This is Prahlad working in At&T Bothell as  Selenium Automation Lead

Weekly New no.4

This week we archived the following tools: Benerator, Contiperf, DB Sanity and Feed4 of Databenerator; Capybara opensource tool in GitHub; Diagnostic Softwareand Quality Center by HP; SilkPerformer and SilkPerformer CloudBerst of MicroFocus; RTI Performance of OC Systems; Sikuli by sikuli; PractiTest by practitest; Free Testing Framework and TestStudio by Telerik; QFTest by QFS; Testuff by testuff; QMetry by qmetry; ProjectHarmonizer and TotalView by Assure; Quality Manager by Rational-IBM; Certify by worksoft; Emma and Eclemma in sourceforge....

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A domain-specific language is created specifically to solve problems in a particular domain and is not intended to be able to solve problems outside it (although that may be technically possible). In contrast, general-purpose languages are created to solve problems in many domains. The domain can also be a business area.

Code Driven Testing - Agile favorite

Automated Testing of Applications on Android using ROBOTIUM


The primary purpose to calibrate a set automation tools is to perform data driven automated testing applications on Android.

  • Start with setting up the environment using following tools: Install JDK, Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) or greater and Android Development Tools plug-in.
  • Next install Android Emulator from the eclipse window menu select Android SDK and AVD Manager.
  • After the environment was setup successfully, I started with creating a very simple temperature convertor application to better understand the architecture & UI interfaces of the Android SDK.

The Open Source Definition


Introduction Open source doesn't just mean access to the source code. The distribution terms of open-source software must comply with the following criteria:

  • Free Redistribution
  • Source Code
  • Derived Works
  • Integrity of The Author's Source Code
  • No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
  • No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
  • Distribution of License
  • License Must Not Be Specific to a Product
  • License Must Not Restrict Other Software
  • License Must Be Technology-Neutral



Table Summary
Cacique is an GPL automated testing tool, based on Ruby
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Cacique Tool Scope Testing Tool
Application Rights Free Use, Opensource
Since 2010
Company GitHub project
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

Software Testing Types


Software testing types are important and a must know, even when talking about Automated testing. The Best Automated testing is a kind of testing that runs on the needed strategy and method the same way it was done manually. Today, we still see companies that manage two testing systems, one for manual testing and the other for automatic testing. But, as I said before, this will change, and is already changing. Thanks to smart Testing Management tools and ALM’s.

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