SandStorm tests system behavior under real-time conditions and converts this data into simple-to-understand, yet informative and sophisticated, graphs and reports. Equipped with this information, businesses, which develop Web applications can more quickly and efficiently resolve problems, thereby ensuring a positive end-user experience and providing the opportunity for increased revenue. SandStorm Cloud offers performance testing from cloud. It provides a web-based management console to design, execute and analyze performance tests. It leverages cloud to provision load generation environment at runtime and execute performance tests.
TAZ is a proven leader in device test automation software. And it's the only software designed to simplify both writing and running automated test cases - from device connection, to equipment testing, to data management. TAZ adds a much-needed testing option, one that gives your manual testers, (the subject matter experts), the power to automate every test they run - without programming. With TAZ, a tester takes a manual test and uses simple TAZ commands to automate his actions.
PureLoad - A software for performance and characteristics test of IP server applications such as streaming, mobile, web, and VoIP. PureLoad simulate from single clients to millions of simultaneous users through its scalable architecture.
PureLoad saves you time through all stages of testing, from setting up, defining, changing, executing, trouble shooting, to automating tests and test environment. For efficient DevOps and CI environments PureLoad can be complemented with PureTest for functional tests. Test cases can be re-used between the two tools.
PureTest - A software for functional test of IP server applications such as streaming, mobile, web, and VoIP.
PureTest saves you time through all stages of testing, from setting up, defining, changing, executing, trouble shooting, to automating tests and test environment. For efficient DevOps and CI environments PureTest can be complemented with PureLoad for performance and characteristics tests. Test cases can be re-used between the two tools.
FlowLevel is an automation application that provides a flexible infrastructure for designing, deploying, displaying results and analyzing all types of processes. FlowLevel is also an advanced automated testing tool that enables performing an assortment of tests including functionality and performance tests on both static and dynamic recourses. With FlowLevel, defining the flow, rules, and elements of work is performed dynamically and the process follows them automatically. Once the flows and rules are captured, they can be changed, either to optimize the process or adapt to new conditions.
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