DevSuite is an ALM platform specifically designed to manage hybrid agile projects as well as pure agile and traditional development projects. TechExcel DevSuite provides an integrated platform for requirements management, project planning, issue and task tracking, and quality management.
TestTrack is a solution for managing product development phases and artifacts, from requirements, user stories and release planning, through sprints, assignments and work items, to test cases, QA cycles, defect resolutions and releases, it helps to deliver quality products on time. TestTrack is a hybrid-agile solution--from pure waterfall to pure Agile and anywhere in between. TestTrack Studio tracks and manages all the details of testing. It seamlessly blends the defect tracking features of TestTrack Pro and the time saving test case management features of TestTrack TCM into an integrated test environment.
ReQtest is an easy to use, web based service for issue tracking, handling bug reports and test cases during test of IT systems. It is a centralized and highly adaptable test platform. Its activities and operations include: UAT testing, manual test tool, test management, requirement management, issue tracking, bug tracking, test case management, manual testing.
Complete Test Management - Our software testing tool ReQtest offers a complete module for test management. Plan your testing by writing test cases and checklists, execute them by sharing with your test team, and follow the progress in real time to see how the tests are going.
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