SoapUI is a free and open source cross-platform Functional Testing solution. With a graphical interface, and enterprise-class features, soapUI allows to create and execute automated functional, regression, compliance, and load tests. In a single test environment, soapUI provides complete test coverage and supports all the standard protocols and technologies. There are simply no limits to what you can do with your tests.
SOAPSonar is a software testing and diagnostics tool for SOAP, XML and REST based Web Services. The core focus is on functional, performance, interoperability, and security testing of service endpoints by performing client simulation and automated generation of client messages. Service and API Testing. HTML, XML, SOAP, REST, and JSON. Test over HTTP/s FTP/s, SFTP, IBM MQ, Tibco EMS, Weblogic JMS. Comprehensive standards support for OASIS and W3C standards.
CLIF is an open load testing platform, including: load injectors, for generating traffic (a variety of protocols are supported such as HTTP, FTP, SIP...), and probes, for measuring resource usage (processor, memory, network...). CLIF comes with test supervision features (including monitoring of response times, throughput, error rate, computing resources consumption), and analysis tools. Both command-line and graphical user interfaces are provided, including Eclipse plug-ins. CLIF is extensible through Java programming (new injectors, new probes).
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