XStudio includes a versatile test management software that can drive any kind of tests, manual or automated. XStudio makes the management of requirements, tests, bugs, trivial and less costly to maintain. XStudio allows the scheduling/running of fully automated, semi-automated or manual test campaigns. It comes with an integrated requirement management module and a bug-tracking database. Some connectors are also provided to connect real-time with JIRA, Mantis, Bugzilla or TRAC. XStudio supports MySql and Oracle database servers.
JBehave is a framework for Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD). BDD is an evolution of test-driven development (TDD) and acceptance-test driven design, and is intended to make these practices more accessible and intuitive to newcomers and experts alike. It shifts the vocabulary from being test-based to behaviour-based, and positions itself as a design philosophy.
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