TestTrack is a solution for managing product development phases and artifacts, from requirements, user stories and release planning, through sprints, assignments and work items, to test cases, QA cycles, defect resolutions and releases, it helps to deliver quality products on time. TestTrack is a hybrid-agile solution--from pure waterfall to pure Agile and anywhere in between. TestTrack Studio tracks and manages all the details of testing. It seamlessly blends the defect tracking features of TestTrack Pro and the time saving test case management features of TestTrack TCM into an integrated test environment.
Last release was on 2010, but still available for download
Mago is a desktop testing initiative, built on top of the LDTP GUI testing framework, that aims to have a set of processes and code to make writing automated test scripts easier and more reusable. The Mago testing library is an extension of the LDTP to separate the logic of the test cases from the object recognition. The framework and many test cases work for vanilla GNOME.
PureLoad - A software for performance and characteristics test of IP server applications such as streaming, mobile, web, and VoIP. PureLoad simulate from single clients to millions of simultaneous users through its scalable architecture.
PureLoad saves you time through all stages of testing, from setting up, defining, changing, executing, trouble shooting, to automating tests and test environment. For efficient DevOps and CI environments PureLoad can be complemented with PureTest for functional tests. Test cases can be re-used between the two tools.
PureTest - A software for functional test of IP server applications such as streaming, mobile, web, and VoIP.
PureTest saves you time through all stages of testing, from setting up, defining, changing, executing, trouble shooting, to automating tests and test environment. For efficient DevOps and CI environments PureTest can be complemented with PureLoad for performance and characteristics tests. Test cases can be re-used between the two tools.
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