TestingBot provides easy cross browser testing with Selenium in the cloud. It provides a Selenium grid with all major browsers and an Android emulator & can be used with all kinds of programming languages. It offers a cloud-based solution with many extra functionalities, such as: taking screenshots per command, video recording of the test execution, integrated proxy and advanced reporting.Run your Selenium tests on our grid, test your website automatically.
SandStorm tests system behavior under real-time conditions and converts this data into simple-to-understand, yet informative and sophisticated, graphs and reports. Equipped with this information, businesses, which develop Web applications can more quickly and efficiently resolve problems, thereby ensuring a positive end-user experience and providing the opportunity for increased revenue. SandStorm Cloud offers performance testing from cloud. It provides a web-based management console to design, execute and analyze performance tests. It leverages cloud to provision load generation environment at runtime and execute performance tests.
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