Testsigma is a SaaS, AI-Driven test automation software for Web and Mobile applications to achieve continuous testing with Shift-left approach. Testsigma helps the web and mobile dependent businesses to reduce the cost of software quality and to continuously release their great quality software products faster.
Testsigma uses AI to build stable and reliable tests faster and speed-up the execution and maintenance of automated tests.
Testsigma is built to address some of the problems with existing automation testing tools, like Huge Initial Time and Cost, Slow Test Development, High Execution Time and Costs, High Maintenance Efforts, Less Automation Coverage and Longer Payback Time.
R.T.M.R stands for Requirements and Test Management Repository Repository. It is an open source software testing tool that allows :
The solution includes a version management system for project, for requirement, for scenario and test cases that keeps track of software changes and can easily cover all regression tests.
Validata Advanced Testing Suite (ATS) is an enterprise automated testing platform designed to test the complete TemenosT24TM software stack enabling you to efficiently and effectively manage your T24 projects reducing overall project cost and significantly improving quality. It is the most innovative solution for end-to-end automated testing , for core banking applications, supporting all types of testing from ISB Validation, Intelligent COB monitoring to Functional and Regression Testing with a library of pre-built reusable test assets and pre-built Test Analytics delivering superior ROI and optimizing business risk.
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