PureLoad - A software for performance and characteristics test of IP server applications such as streaming, mobile, web, and VoIP. PureLoad simulate from single clients to millions of simultaneous users through its scalable architecture.
PureLoad saves you time through all stages of testing, from setting up, defining, changing, executing, trouble shooting, to automating tests and test environment. For efficient DevOps and CI environments PureLoad can be complemented with PureTest for functional tests. Test cases can be re-used between the two tools.
PureTest - A software for functional test of IP server applications such as streaming, mobile, web, and VoIP.
PureTest saves you time through all stages of testing, from setting up, defining, changing, executing, trouble shooting, to automating tests and test environment. For efficient DevOps and CI environments PureTest can be complemented with PureLoad for performance and characteristics tests. Test cases can be re-used between the two tools.
Anteater is a testing framework designed around Ant, from the Apache Jakarta Project. It provides an easy way to write tests for checking the functionality of a Web application or of an XML Web service. It can test either HTTP requests or replies in various sophisticated ways. The ability to wait for incoming HTTP messages is unique to Anteater, which makes it especially useful when building tests for applications that use high level SOAP-based communication and asynchronous SOAP messages. Anteater provides XML and text logging support and the ability to render the logs into HTML reports.
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