TAZ is a proven leader in device test automation software. And it's the only software designed to simplify both writing and running automated test cases - from device connection, to equipment testing, to data management. TAZ adds a much-needed testing option, one that gives your manual testers, (the subject matter experts), the power to automate every test they run - without programming. With TAZ, a tester takes a manual test and uses simple TAZ commands to automate his actions.
XMLUnit is an open source project licensed under the BSD license. It provides a small library of interrelated classes that simplify each of the different ways to test XML pieces that have been outlined in the previous section. Special APIs are provided to simplify writing unit tests with J/NUnit, but the library itself is fully usable without any testing framework at all. There is a Java and a .NET version of XMLUnit. XMLUnit’s APIs will accept “pieces of XML” as input using several different forms. In most cases they can be provided as InputStreams, Readers, Strings, InputSources or readily parsed DOM Document instances. XMLUnit also provides a Transform class that can be used to apply an XSLT transformation to an existing input.
Axe is a test automation platform that greatly increases productivity and drastically reduces maintenance overheads for test automation. It uses a simple spreadsheet like interface as a means to define test scenarios and code generation techniques to rapidly generate robust, self-documented automation code. Axe is unique and proven in enabling automation in an Agile environment.
FlowLevel is an automation application that provides a flexible infrastructure for designing, deploying, displaying results and analyzing all types of processes. FlowLevel is also an advanced automated testing tool that enables performing an assortment of tests including functionality and performance tests on both static and dynamic recourses. With FlowLevel, defining the flow, rules, and elements of work is performed dynamically and the process follows them automatically. Once the flows and rules are captured, they can be changed, either to optimize the process or adapt to new conditions.
Anteater is a testing framework designed around Ant, from the Apache Jakarta Project. It provides an easy way to write tests for checking the functionality of a Web application or of an XML Web service. It can test either HTTP requests or replies in various sophisticated ways. The ability to wait for incoming HTTP messages is unique to Anteater, which makes it especially useful when building tests for applications that use high level SOAP-based communication and asynchronous SOAP messages. Anteater provides XML and text logging support and the ability to render the logs into HTML reports.
"Record/Playback is the least cost-effective method of automating test cases." Remember that recorded scripts should always be carefully examined and re-worked to produce maintainable tests. Once you know that, a recorder can be a really helpful tool. WebTestRecorder is a Firefox extension allowing to facilitate creation of WebTest scripts.
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