TestBench is a test data management and verification solution that addresses the validation of all database effects and the creation of cut down, representative test data to reduce test times and data footprints. Data confidentiality is addressed and the unique user-managed data roll-back capability reduces environment downtime, improving testing productivity and accuracy. TestBench integrates with other testing solutions from Original Software accessible to both users and testers to ensure you retain ‘total application quality’.
TestRail is a comprehensive web-based test case management software to efficiently manage, track and organize software testing efforts. Its intuitive web-based user interface makes it easy to create test cases, manage test runs and coordinate the entire testing process. Track and follow the status of individual tests, milestones and projects with dashboards and activity reports. Get real-time insights into the testing progress and boost productivity with personalized todo lists, filters and email notifications.
WAPT is a load and stress testing tool that provides a way to test any web site, including business applications, mobile sites, web portals, etc. It works as a single application that includes test design and load generation features. You can record tests using any desktop or mobile browser, design and optimize them with help of a convenient product GUI and run test scenarios with up to approximately 2,000 concurrent virtual users. Your target web site can run under any OS, including all UNIX and Windows platforms. It can be implemented with any web technology and have a distributed architecture consisting of multiple servers and databases. The only requirement is the availability of a web interface through which WAPT can simulate the activity of real site visitors.
StoryTestIQ (STIQ) is a test framework used to create Automated Acceptance Tests or Story Tests. STIQ is a mashup of Selenium and FitNesse. It is "wiki-ized" Selenium with widgets and features that make it easier to write and organize Selenium tests. STIQ is used to record Customer needs and acceptance criteria; the tests are a big part of the "Definition of Done". The Story Tests written at the beginning of an iteration will initially fail. It is the responsibility of the team to implement the requirements in order to make the Story Tests pass. This practice is called Story Test Driven Development and it is a natural extension of the well known Test-Driven Development and Automated Acceptance Testing practices.
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