dotCover is a .NET unit testing and code coverage tool that works right in Visual Studio, provides great ways to visualize code coverage information, and is Continuous Integration ready. dotCover calculates and reports statement-level code coverage in .NET Framework 2.0 to 4.5 applications, as well as in Silverlight 4and 5. dotCover is a proprietary unit test runner and code coverage tool for .NET Framework 1.0 to 4.5 and Silverlight 4 and 5 applications. It has evolved to include ReSharper's unit test runner supporting such unit testing frameworks as MSTest, NUnit, xUnit, and MSpec.
TestQuest 10 is a complete test automation solution for creation and execution of tests for mobile devices that scales across multiple test environments, fully integrating with leading development tools.The TestQuest tools are integrated with Visual Studio, enabling the use of features of both products for developing, debugging, deploying, running, and monitoring tests. By integrating with familiar tools such as Microsoft® Visual Studio™, TestQuest 10 enables users to quickly create extensible, flexible tests that are scalable and can be executed in a distributed, collaborative test environment. This solution is designed for ISVs and OEMs who want to bring applications and smart, connected devices to market.
TestingBot provides easy cross browser testing with Selenium in the cloud. It provides a Selenium grid with all major browsers and an Android emulator & can be used with all kinds of programming languages. It offers a cloud-based solution with many extra functionalities, such as: taking screenshots per command, video recording of the test execution, integrated proxy and advanced reporting.Run your Selenium tests on our grid, test your website automatically.
Cacique is an opensource GPL automation tool. Based in Selenium to record the tests script, it manages all cases, Data Set, Suites executions and Script editing. It is a collaborative tool with a library of scripts and suites to share with other users.
DARTENIUM is a robust off-the-shelf automation framework based on the open source testing tool, Selenium, for Agile testing of web-based applications. It provides complete control over the automation process while freeing you from the tedious, complex tasks involved in manual testing.
DARTENIUM enables testing across multi-OS and browser combinations. It also has a robust execution engine in the form of the 'Scheduler' that allows multiple test instances on the same machine as well as parallel execution on multiple machines.
WAPT is a load and stress testing tool that provides a way to test any web site, including business applications, mobile sites, web portals, etc. It works as a single application that includes test design and load generation features. You can record tests using any desktop or mobile browser, design and optimize them with help of a convenient product GUI and run test scenarios with up to approximately 2,000 concurrent virtual users. Your target web site can run under any OS, including all UNIX and Windows platforms. It can be implemented with any web technology and have a distributed architecture consisting of multiple servers and databases. The only requirement is the availability of a web interface through which WAPT can simulate the activity of real site visitors.
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