Ranorex is a Windows GUI test automation framework which provides seamless testing of a wide range of desktop, web and mobile applications. As every robust test automation project requires reliable user interface object recognition, Ranorex focuses on providing the best possible recognition for all types of desktop, web and mobile software applications. Ranorex’s award winning object recognition relies on smart RanoreXPath technology – RanoreXPath reduces effort in maintaining tests and at the same time simplifies the testing of dynamically built user interfaces.
TestQuest 10 is a complete test automation solution for creation and execution of tests for mobile devices that scales across multiple test environments, fully integrating with leading development tools.The TestQuest tools are integrated with Visual Studio, enabling the use of features of both products for developing, debugging, deploying, running, and monitoring tests. By integrating with familiar tools such as Microsoft® Visual Studio™, TestQuest 10 enables users to quickly create extensible, flexible tests that are scalable and can be executed in a distributed, collaborative test environment. This solution is designed for ISVs and OEMs who want to bring applications and smart, connected devices to market.
TestingBot provides easy cross browser testing with Selenium in the cloud. It provides a Selenium grid with all major browsers and an Android emulator & can be used with all kinds of programming languages. It offers a cloud-based solution with many extra functionalities, such as: taking screenshots per command, video recording of the test execution, integrated proxy and advanced reporting.Run your Selenium tests on our grid, test your website automatically.
Launching a website or a new web application is nerve-wracking business, but the right website load test and web app testing tools can eliminate surprises and let you launch with confidence. Load test technology lets you simulate real-world conditions and real user behavior on your website or web applications long before users have a chance to access them.
Superior load testing tools let you answer all of the burning questions about your launch:
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