QABook™ is a test management product that allows you to create, manage and edit: Requirements, Test Cases (with or without Test Steps), Test Runs, Defects, Environments, Reporting. QABook™ Enterprise integrates directly with Microsoft SharePoint 2007, 2010 & 2013 providing an organization with an amazing test and quality management solution. Also available in the cloud. QABook™ Desktop is a test management solution fully compatible with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8. It can be deployed as a standalone desktop application or as a client server solution. QABook BugReach is an affordable web version of the defect tracking module, providing a centralized repository for tracking defects across multiple projects.
SmarteScript is a test automation solution, with no coding skills required. It's Learn and Interact function intuitively learns windows and objects used in an application. It creates test skeletons for each business process then develop test cases easily. Complex, data-driven scripts can be auto-generated. Respond to software changes with quick test case revisions instead of creating the test script from scratch. It provides the tools necessary to control test management and boost test productivity. Using SmarteScript, users can expect improved software quality, while improving the liklihood of meeting cost and performance goals.
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