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InTENSO - IT Experts


InTENSO - IT Experts

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InTENSO - IT Experts


InTENSO - IT Experts provides a wide range of IT solutions for more than 5 million users from 64 countries all over the world. We believe that these people trust us, not only for the reason that we create IT products or provide services, but we are also able to support the development of innovative business models, provide continuous growth and operational excellence. Thanks to our efforts: 68 companies from Fortune 500 have optimized their business processes, Ferrari, Warner Bros, SONY, Apple, NASA and many other companies have enhanced their competitiveness on the market, 2200+ companies are actively using our add-ons for Atlassian products and 500+ of our customers have successfully implemented bespoke IT solutions. On account of the outstanding level of work completed for the benefit of our clients our organization now consists of a team of over 200 exceptionally skilled IT experts.

2 004
Company Size: 
201-500 employees
Privately Held

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Atlassian, Perforce, DBmaestro, GitLab, Freshdesk, Clarive, Google Apps, Veeam, Jira, Bitbucket, Confluence, JIRA plugins, Interset, e-sąd, and neoLegal

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