JBehave is a framework for Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD). BDD is an evolution of test-driven development (TDD) and acceptance-test driven design, and is intended to make these practices more accessible and intuitive to newcomers and experts alike. It shifts the vocabulary from being test-based to behaviour-based, and positions itself as a design philosophy.
T3 is a powerful automated unit testing tool to test Java classes. Given a target class to test, it randomly generates sequences of calls to the class' methods to test it. It catches unexpected exception; but if you had written assertions in the class, then violations to those will be caught as well. T3 is the successor of T2. The main idea is still the same as T2, however the engine has been completely revamped. Internally, T3 makes a lot of use of Java 8's closures, to make its generators infrastructure more customizable
The Tellurium Automated Testing Framework (Tellurium) is an automated testing framework for web applications. The UI module makes it possible to build UI elements' locators at run time. The framework does Object to Locator Mapping (OLM) automatically at run time so that you can define UI objects simply by their attributes. The Tellurium framework defines a new Domain Specific Language (DSL) for web testing. Tellurium grew up from the Selenium framework, but with a different testing concept. Starting from Tellurium 0.7.0, Tellurium added Tellurium Engine to replace the Selenium Core to better support Tellurium.
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