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The Open Group


The Open Group

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The Open Group


The Open Group: Leading the development of open, vendor-neutral IT standards and certifications
The Open Group is a global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives through IT standards. With more than 400 member organizations, we have a diverse membership that spans all sectors of the IT community — customers, systems and solutions suppliers, tool vendors, integrators and consultants, as well as academics and researchers to:
+ Capture, understand and address current and emerging requirements, and establish policies and share best practices
+ Facilitate interoperability, develop consensus, and evolve and integrate specifications and open source technologies
+ Offer a comprehensive set of services to enhance the operational efficiency of consortia
+ Operate the industry’s premier certification service

Company Size: 
51-200 employees

Contact Representatives


44 Montgomery Street,
Suite 960San Francisco, 
California 94104-4704 United States



IT Standards, IT Portfolio Management, Enterprise Architecture, Business Architecture, TOGAF®, High-Assurance Architecture, Cybersecurity, Risk Management, ICT Supply Chain, Certification Programs, UNIX®, Internet of Things

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