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Loadster helps your team create more efficient, high-quality software in less time. We make load testing tools to simulate a large volume of users on a website and find the breaking point. By discovering and fixing performance problems before they affect real users, you can avoid lost business due to a slow or dysfunctional web application. Loadster is a cloud-hybrid solution: generate load from any of 9 Loadster Cloud regions on 5 continents, or from your own hardware running behind the firewall. We optimize tester productivity by making it easier to create scripts, build test scenarios, run tests, and get detailed reports.
Logo | Title | Testing Objectives | Since | Price Quotes | Ping |
Loadster | Load Capabilities, Stress Testing, Network testing, Performance Analysis, SOA testing, Web testing | 2,004 | 2015: Loadster Cloud-1000 units : $79, 2015: Loadster Cloud-10000 units: $499 , 2015: Loadster Engine 3.x : $699 | Active |
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