Ranorex is a Windows GUI test automation framework which provides seamless testing of a wide range of desktop, web and mobile applications. As every robust test automation project requires reliable user interface object recognition, Ranorex focuses on providing the best possible recognition for all types of desktop, web and mobile software applications. Ranorex’s award winning object recognition relies on smart RanoreXPath technology – RanoreXPath reduces effort in maintaining tests and at the same time simplifies the testing of dynamically built user interfaces.
WAPT is a load and stress testing tool that provides a way to test any web site, including business applications, mobile sites, web portals, etc. It works as a single application that includes test design and load generation features. You can record tests using any desktop or mobile browser, design and optimize them with help of a convenient product GUI and run test scenarios with up to approximately 2,000 concurrent virtual users. Your target web site can run under any OS, including all UNIX and Windows platforms. It can be implemented with any web technology and have a distributed architecture consisting of multiple servers and databases. The only requirement is the availability of a web interface through which WAPT can simulate the activity of real site visitors.
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