Logo | Title | Testing Objectives | Since | Price Quotes | Ping |
TestRail | Test Cases Statistics | 2,003 | March 2015: TestRail Server - $239 per user, March 2015: TestRail Hosted - $25/month per user | Active | |
XStudio | Test Cases Statistics | 2,007 | May 2015: XStudio Community - Free, May 2015: XStudio Professional - $179 /user/year, May 2015: XStudio Business - $269 /user/year | Active | |
Qualify | Application Life Cycle Tracking, Desktop testing, SAP Testing, Test Cases Statistics, Web testing, Cross-Browser testing | 2,009 | Active | ||
Helix ALM | 2,012 | April 2015: Issue Management - $20/user/month, April 2015: Test Case Management - $30/user/month, April 2015: Requirements Management - $50/user/month, April 2015: TestTrack Complete ALM - $99/user/month | Active | ||
ReQtest | Application Life Cycle Tracking | 2,009 | 2016: 1-15 users - 56$/user , 2016: 100 users and more - 10$/user | Active | |
Testsigma | 2,017 | Not Published | Active |
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