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Crosscheck Networks


Crosscheck Networks

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Crosscheck Networks


Crosscheck Networks technology runs in over 42 countries worldwide. The industry's only combined technology offering that includes Testing automation, performance, compliance and security testing with patented dynamic mutation technology. Service virtualization with environment behavior modeling, traffic simulation responses, latency and performance profiling. FIPS 140-2 Security Gateways available as both hardware and software for Service API security, identity, governance, and mediation.

Crosscheck Networks and wholly owned subsidiary Forum Systems has achieved a 99% customer satisfaction rating for over 10 years. At Crosscheck Networks, we focus on the core technologies that comprise service API message flows (such as HTML, XML, SOAP, REST, JSON over HTTP, FTP, SMTP, JMS). Over 10 years of sustained engineering, the Crosscheck Networks line of products is globally recognized as best of the breed. Our commercial products are designed to optimize lifecycles, reduce complexity, provide security, and leverage over 100 industry standards with out-of-the-box technology capabilities for service emulation (client testing), client emulation (service testing), and transactional in-line security.

2 005
Company Size: 
11-50 employees
Privately Held

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Hardware Security, XML Gateway, Service Testing, API Testing, Software Security XML Gateway, Service Emulation, API Emulation
Title Testing Objectives Since Price Quotes Ping
SoapSonar Security Testing, SOA testing, Web testing, API testing 2,010 July 2015: Personal Edition (Free) Active

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