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Hari Charan

Expertise Summary

Experience Introduction: 

Selenium Webdriver, Selenium Grid, Test Automation,Mobile Automation, Database Testing, API testing


Tuyen Tran

Tuyen Tran

Expertise Summary

Experience Introduction: 

10 year’s experience in Software Testing including manual and automation testing
•    2.5 years’ experience in TOS (Terminal Operating System) product
•    3 years’ experience in healthcare products
•    2+ years’ experience in Oil & Gas industry
•    Strong experience in blackbox and graybox testing
•    Hands on experience in Windows operating system such as 2000, XP, Win 7, 8, etc.
•    5 years experience in Mobile testing with the real device such as iOS, Android

Prahlad Boyina

Expertise Summary

Experience Introduction: 

This is Prahlad working in At&T Bothell as  Selenium Automation Lead

Guillem Hernandez Sola

Freelancer Guillem Hernandez Sola

Expertise Summary

Experience Introduction: 

Guillem is a Software Quality Assurance Engineer, Test Automation Engineer and Load & Performance Engineer. Guillem spends the days working on making software more reliable by driving adoption of performance best practices, standards, and protocols. Guillem is specialized in starting and building QA programs and load performance testing. 

Mayank Gupta

Freelancer Mayank Gupta

Expertise Summary

Experience Introduction: 

Automation testing,Functional testing,API Testing,Regression testing,Selenium Webdriver,Sikuli,Autoit,Jmeter,Cucumber,Jbehave,Testng,Maven,Ruby,Python,Grunt,Mocha,Nodejs,Chai,Jira,Jenkins,Git,Blackbox testing.


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