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QA Testing Tools

  • ALL Testing Tools, Testing Frameworks, Test Management solutions and QA Resources, Commercial, Opensource and SAAS
  • All Information on in a Single Location, View Summary, Advance material, Comparison tables and Important links on Software Testing tools.
  • Low cost Advertising packages, professional articles and real-experience user reports, on every testing tool. 
  • Small website - BIG impact


QA Testing Tools is an innovative platform and is the only website that gives you an Opportunity to read technical reviews on every software-testing tool, simultaneously giving you in-depth technical information, and comparison tables that direct you towards the most suitable group of tools to fulfill your requirements. What makes this platform so intuitive, is our focus to share with you only technical data, minus the biased overlay of marketing and general overviews.

We Are On A Mission... QATestingTools aims to inspire a new breed of innovative and talented software testing professionals who are actively contributing to the future of QA industry.
With engaging tool reviews as informative as they are knowledgeable, QATestingTools motivates its audience to think beyond traditional boundaries in software testing, lead proactively and most importantly, embrace change.

QA Testing Tools' audience are QA professionals of all levels, R&D Professionals, Integration professionals, Deployment professionals and Acceptance professional teams. Our readers are employees from all levels, testers, programmers and managers, and in recent times the website has demonstrated increased interests of many QA directors and CEO's on a regular basis.

QA Testing Tools community and audience is on a fast pace growth curve. Since the site is tracking platform for management, agile testing, functional testing, web testing, server testing, performance testing, database testing, unit testing, etc. the audience vary from managers, testers, test engineers, developers, programmers, integration, software consultants and more.

QA Testing Tools Website also follows Testing Tools manufacturers, and gives them a good stage to show and present their new releases and new feature of their tools.

QATestingTools helps you solve automation problems, testing processes and process bottlenecks. We work together with your business and technical teams to ensure that we deliver high quality solutions, making sure that you are always in control of the process. We understand the importance of getting the entire process under control, and giving you the ability to decide on each step in coalition with your knowledge base, is the best solution for your company and project.

QATestingTools provide proven expertise to ensure the quality & reliability of the services we work on. We rely on professionalism & dedication to nurture a smooth business relationship for greater visibility across the globe with complete work satisfaction.

QATestingTools provides Reviews and Analyzing material on all Testing Tools and Test Management solutions. We share information and do basic promotion for all tools, Commercial and Open source. Our Information center was established in 2011, by Yuval Ben Hur after 17 years of experience within the Software Quality Assurance field, helping Startups and Global companies. Driven by a lot of enthusiasm and dedication towards Quality Assurance, he orchestrated QATestingTools Community and Information center, providing means to analyze, categorize, and compare the tools by their testing fields and objectives.

QATestingTools aims to be the leading information provider of all your testing tool needs, helping you with fast automation and tool integration, and bringing your growing enterprise to testing and management optimum as fast as possible. As we all know, strong Quality assurance is a necessity for any software development process, is devoted on giving you satisfactory tools, frameworks and help to establish your quality control targets. We Save You Time with main focus on bringing you the BEST ROI from your Software Quality Control Systems.




Total Manufacturers in our archive: 280
Testing tool manufacturers world-wide list
10Levels ABID CONSULTING AccelQ Accord Software ActiMind AdaCore
AdaLog AgileLoad AgileWay Agitar Algorismi ALL4TEC
Andreas Kleffel Android Apache Apica Apollo Systems
Applitools AppPerfect Appsee ApTest Assertible Assure
Atlassian AutoIt Consulti .. Automation Anyw .. Automation Cons .. Axosoft Aztaz Software
Backtrace I/O Badboy BlazeMeter Borvid BrowserStack BSQUARE
BStriker Intern .. CA Technologies Canonical Canoo Engineeri .. Catch Software CelestialTeapot
Chris Mallett Cleanscape ClicTest CloudQA Codeborne CodeCentrix
CodePlex projec .. Codoid Cogitek Compuware Configure IT Conflair
ConSol Core Services Coronys Ltd Countersoft CresTech Softwa .. CrossBrowserTes ..
Crosscheck Netw .. Crowdsourced Te .. Cucumber Ltd Cyara Cygnet Infotech DareBoost
Databene Datamatics Glob .. DevExpress DTM soft Dynatrace LLC EasyQA
Eclipse EkaTechserv Elvior Emmanuel Jorge Empirix EPAM Systems
Equafy Esterel Technol .. eXept Software .. Experitest Finaris Froglogic
FrontEndART Ltd GeneXus GitHub project gnoso Google Code Pro .. GrammaTech
Gurock Software HelpSystems HENIX Hewlett Packard .. Hexawise High-Tech Bridg ..
Hiptest Hitex IBM Rational imbus Shanghai Impetus Inflectra
informUp InTENSO - IT Ex .. Ipswitch Jamo Solutions Janova JAR Technologie ..
JBoss Developer jClarity JetBrains Jively jQuery foundati ..
JS Foundation Jspresso Kanoah KMS Technology Kualitee LDRA Limited
Litmus LoadFocus Loadster Perfor .. MarathonITE Marketcircle Marketcircle
Maveryx Meliora Ltd Micro Focus Sof .. Microsoft Mobile Labs Mobile1st
Mockaroo, LLC Monkop Mozila MSys Technologi .. Navicat NeoTys
Neowise Softwar .. NetCart NORIZZK.COM Novosync Mobili .. NRG Global NTT Resonant
OC Systems Odin Technology OpCord Oracle Orcanos Original Softwa ..
OW2 PANAYA Parasoft PassMark Patterson Consu .. Perfecto Mobile
Pivotal, Inc. Plutora Postman (API To .. PractiTest PrimaTest Process One
Programming Res .. Psoda PureLoad PushToTest Python Q-Assurance
QA Systems QACube QASymphony QAWorks QMetry Quali
Qualitia Softwa .. Quality First S .. Quotium RadView Softwar .. Ranorex RedLine13
Reflective Solu .. ReQtest RevDeBug Robotium Tech Rogue Wave Soft .. Rommana Softwar ..
RTTS Runscope Sandklef GNU La .. Sauce Labs Seapine Softwar ..
SeleniumHQ Sencha Sensiple Siemens PLM Sof .. SmartBear Softw .. SmarteSoft
SOASTA SoftLogica Softomotive Softsmith Solution-Soft SonarSource
Sourceforge Spirent Technol .. SQS Software Qu .. Square Stimulus Techno .. Swifting AB
Synopsys T-komp T-Plan TechExcel TechTalk Telerik By Prog ..
Tellurium Test Collab Test Goat Test Recon TestCaseLab Gm ..
TestCraft Techn .. Testenium TestingBot TestLodge Testmunk
Testomato TestOptimal TestPlant TestPro Testsigma Techn .. Testuff
The Core Bankin .. The MathWorks The Open Group Thoughtbot Thoughtworks Time Simulator Top-Q Trace Technolog .. TrendIC TRICENTIS
Tritusa Pty Ltd TWD Solutions P .. TypeMock Tyto Software Ubertesters UniTESK
Universal Test .. Usetrace Ltd Utrecht Univers .. Validata Group Vanamco AG Vector Software
Veracode Verifaya Corpor .. Verit VersionOne Vornex Inc. WcfStorm Soluti .. We Are Mammoth Web Performance .. Wintask Wireshark Found ..
Worksoft Xceptance XK72 Xpand IT XQual ZAPTEST
Zeenyx Software .. Zephyr Zeta Software zutubi pty

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