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Catch Software is an award-winning software company based in Auckland, New Zealand. We make test management, execution, and integration tools that help QA professionals get more out of their testing effort.
Our flagship product, Enterprise Tester, is a test management platform which was released in early 2009 and is now used by QA teams globally, including teams at Intel, Cox Communications, eBay, Sony, Sky TV, Air New Zealand, and the US Navy. Built by QA professionals for QA professionals, Enterprise Tester provides testers with easy management of test plans, execution sets, requirements, and incidents. We have no sales people – our products are free to try, our pricing is published online, and we release a new version of Enterprise Tester every 6-8 weeks, so are quick to respond to customer feedback and requests.
300 Queen Street Auckland, 1010
New Zealand
Logo | Title | Testing Objectives | Since | Price Quotes | Ping |
Duette | 2,008 | July 2014 : (Hosted) Enterprise Tester : Concurrent Users: 5 : $500 / month, July 2014 : (Hosted) ET w/One Plugin : Concurrent Users: 5 : Choose from Duette or Rover : $600 / month, July 2014 : (Hosted) ET w/Two Plugins : Concurrent Users: 5 : Comes with Duette and Rover : $700 / month, July 2014 : (Downloaded) Enterprise Tester : Concurrent Users: 5 :$1,200, July 2014 : (Downloaded) ET w/One Plugin : Concurrent Users: 5 : Choose from Duette or Rover : $1,800, July 2014 : (Downloaded) ET w/Two Plugins : Concurrent Users: 5 : Comes with Duette and Rover : $2,400 | Active |
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